Thursday, November 10, 2011

They Draw and Cook Cookbook! 
So, I've been meaning to do a proper post about this for a while, but have been quite busy (a good thing! ) But here it is, the actual, real book!  It's a really nice book, full of terrific art, including of course Echo and her Brownies. It's so nice to be included in this book with so many talented people.  The cover has a gloss spot finish and the binding is unique and lovely! 
Below the Echo recipe I've included photos of 4 other recipes so you get an idea of the variety in this book, it's a worthwhile purchase, and with Christmas coming there is no better reason!

Here are links to the other illustrators sites I included in this post, you guys do terrific work! 
Daniel Jansson
Joy Steuerwald

1 comment:

Joy Steuerwald said...

Great post, Celeste and your recipe illo in the book is super cute! Thanks for the mention as well :o) I like how you shot and treated the photos, very pretty.