
Monday, December 03, 2012

Advent Calendar - craft time

Happy December! Elliott and I made an advent calendar last week, to help us countdown to Christmas.  I made the cards out of card stock I had in the house, and Elliott decorated them with glitter, stickers and buttons (again, whatever we had kicking around the house!).

Elliott was very proud of his work, and couldn't wait until his big sister got home from school so she could see and share in the fun.  If you are not crafty there are lots of places you can get some really beautiful pattern or ready made calendars (check out Etsy, or if you are good at sewing there are lovely patterns at Spoonflower!)

In the pockets I like to to do something a little different. Sometimes there are treats for the kids (chocolate, or stickers or a small a lego man), and sometimes it's an activity we will do that day (bake a Christmas cake!). But because Christmas is not only about getting things (something I work really hard to teach the kiddos), at least 3 times a week the message in the calendar is something they do for someone else, for example...

- Bake cookies for a neighbour
- Complement 3 people today
- Write and mail a letter to a friend to tell them how special they are
- Make a small bag of donations for the shelter
- Hug everyone in your family

etc... you get the idea ;)

We love Christmas here, and try to make the most of out it for the entire month.  This is just one way we like to have fun with it.  Hope you all have a happy December, and take time to enjoy it throughout all the busy time that comes with it! 


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