
Friday, March 30, 2012

Sketchbook Friday - Jasper and his spring - pencil sketch

This week's sketchbook doodle is one I did a while back, it's a little series about my sister's cat Jasper and his spring.  He loves his springs, and his cat tunnel, so do my kids when they go visit! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Echo's Counting Book Spread #2 - digital illustration

1 cat in the beanstalk!
To see previous spreads click this link!


Friday, March 23, 2012

Sketchbook Friday Elliott and the Octopus - pencil sketch

So part of my new plan, is to do more blog posts. I have plan to post 3 days a week and Friday's are going to be called Sketchbook Fridays (catchy non?). 

The idea here is that I share with you something unfinished, from my sketchbook. Sometimes they are roughs or doodles that will one day be finished art, and sometimes they are just little drawings I do to amuse myself (like this one).  Ask any artist/illustrator and they will tell you, for every 1 drawing that sees the light of day, there are probably 20 that don't. 

I hope you enjoy these, most of them are just me reminding myself why I love to draw. No rules or restrictions, no deadlines, doodling while waiting in line for something or appointments, or just while watching tv.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Echo's Counting Book Spread #1 - digital illustration

Here is Echo's first spread of the book, where she discovers the beanstalk. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Echo's Earth Hour activity ~ Beeswax candles! - digital illustration

Hello everyone! As I am sure you know I am big into the environmental stuff, so of course in our home we participate in Earth Hour every year, and try to do our part the rest of the year as well. We treat Earth Hour as a sort of fun family time. Playing cards, or board games by candle light, telling each other silly stories etc.  This year the kids and I are making beeswax candles (an environmentally friendly candle!) to use during our hour without electricity.

Here is a fun instruction sheet on how to make beeswax candles starring Echo, Poe and Mousie, it's the perfect activity for kids!

click this link for printable version. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Echo's Counting book - digital illustration

Here is something I am trying out.  I have a bunch of rough Echo books made out, but can't seem to make the time to do clean copies of them to send out to publishers. So I am going to use my blog to keep me on track.  Every Wednesday I am going to post a page of my book(s) to share with you guys.  

I know a lot of successful illustrators with web comics that do something similar, only for me it's more of a picture book.  By the end of each book I will have a (somewhat) finished product to send out to publishers.  Funny enough, it's a publishing house that suggested the idea to me. So here we go! My first Wednesday page... the cover! 

(Feedback is always welcome! Thanks!) 

Character and story belong to Céleste Gagnon Illustrations. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2012 Céleste Gagnon

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Happy Spring! - digital and photo

Happy Spring everyone!
