
Friday, October 28, 2011

Printable Monster cookies! - digital

Here's an idea! One that I am doing for my daughter. I have printed these off (they are layed out for a 8.5" x 11" paper) for her classmates instead of baking cookies. With allergies and health initiatives in schools we've been told not to send in any treats (or candy :( )  So Amelie will be handing these out instead.  Feel free to do the same! Great for class handouts or door to door with a candy treat! Easy project for kids to do with their families at home. Follow this link then save to your desktop and print away!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nepal prayer flags - paper
Here is another custom piece I got to do recently through Etsy.  This was a fun one, since I normally do nature and animals, I've never done mountains or man made structures. Great fun to work on, and I like how it turned out! Want to see more paper art, visit my Etsy store! Custom pieces are always welcome! I love a good challenge ;)

Custom Shoes - acrylic paint on shoes
Here is something I did over the summer, my aunt was visiting and wanted me to paint on a pair of runners for her.  It's not something I had ever done before, and I was nervous because they were brand new shoes and I didn't want to ruin them! But it all turned out nicely I think and it was pretty fun! I used acrylic paint so it wouldn't wash off in a puddle. I think I like the idea of painting on my shoes, and maybe this spring I will come up with a custom pair for myself!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Echo's Ghosty tea part - digital
Happy early Halloween! Here is a free Echo desktop wallpaper. Just click on the image above and save to  your computer.  Enjoy!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bunny - pencil sketch

I don't know about you guys, but I have one kid who LOVES his bunny. He won't go anywhere without it, and needs to snuggle and play with his ears to be able to fall asleep. I love this, partly because it's adorable, and partly because i am a huge fan of the story the Velveteen rabbit.

I did a little sketch of him for Elliott, but really like the way he turned out so I am going to try to come up with a project that I can use him in. Right now I am thinking a fabric pattern with Bunny and other of Elliott's favorites, maybe to be made into a pillow case or something. Or perhaps a wall in his room with little framed sketches of his favorite friends, like the family photo wall we have in our hallway.  Or maybe both! either way, it was fun to draw something of a still life, but with a little added character. It's been a while since I did something like that!
